Monday, February 12, 2024

FAD Family Pets Group Activities

 FAD Family Pets Group Activities are for current and previous clients to practice the skills they learned in classes and private sessions.

The FAD Family Pets Series contains 4 levels of classes to help family pets and working dogs become the best they can be.

In Private Sessions and Group Classes, families can learn the skills needed to teach dogs any basic skills and household manners following the FAD Family Pets Basic Class. Then adolescents, especially 10 months to 18 months, commonly struggle with impulse control which quickly gets them into trouble especially around other dogs. The FAD Family Pets Intermediate Class is designed specifically to help dogs of this age with some practice using distance away from the distractions to help them be successful. The Intermediate Class mixes training outside in the environment and inside in the Training Center to find the best distance for all the dogs in the class. Then FAD Family Pets Community Class takes that training "on the road" going to parks, community events, and pet friendly places where we can't really control all the distractions that are in the environment but can practice skills as a group to help our dogs succeed. Last but not least is the FAD Working Paws Class is the final class for families with dogs that will work in community places such as Therapy Dogs and Service Dogs.

Whew, that's a lot of FAD Classes! But sometimes people don't want all those classes, yet still want to practice the basic and intermediate skills around other dogs. 

To help people have some fun in an affordable way, we've created FAD Family Pets Games Nights & FAD Family Pets Games Groups!


The FAD Family Game Nights will be run between classes to offer clients a fun way to practice the skills they've already learned. We will do a series of 4 Game Nights for a low price of $100, making this just $25 per night! During Game Nights I'll be hosting a series of games and challenges to help teams practice the basic skills of walking nice on a leash, settle on a mat around distractions, enter/exit buildings or the car, calmly and safely, while building speed and reliability in following the cues despite the distractions in the room. This is designed to help clients who have taken the FAD Basic or Intermediate Classes.

The first FAD Family Game Nights series begins February 22nd and runs every Thursday beginning at 7pm for 4 weeks.  There is still time to sign up for this class! All you need to do is text Penny at 906-399-0548 to reserve your spot!

The FAD Family Games Groups will also be run between classes and can be scheduled any time we have 3-4 dogs that close to the same skill level and the games played will be adjusted based on the needs of the dogs in each group. The dates and times will also be selected based on the availability of those in the group. These will be 4 group sessions for $100, which breaks down to $25 per session!

I have 2 groups that will be starting soon! 

Tuesdays starting February 20th at 11am will be a FAD Games Group for easily distracted adolescents. This is going to be focusing on the very basic behaviors a family pet needs to be successful as a family members in distracting environments.

Mondays starting February 26th at 11am will be the FAD Working Paws Games Group for local Therapy Dogs and Service Dogs. This group will be pretty challenging! We will be focusing on extreme leash manners required for working dogs to succeed in public places, extended stays or settles, and perhaps even some off leash practice.

If you are interested in signing up for either of these groups, please reach out to me ASAP to sign up via text at 906-399-0548.
Mondays starting February 26th

Watch for pictures and videos from these activities on our social media pages and groups!

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