Sunday, February 12, 2023

Announcement: Training Center Opens

Yooper Paws Training Center

611 N. Hooper St.
Kingsford, MI  49802

We are pleased to announce to our clients that we will soon have our very own Yooper Paws Training Center!

Friends & Family of Yooper Paws is quickly working together to bring this amazing opportunity to the Kingsford/Iron Mountain and surrounding areas.  Here is a line up of some of the things we have planned.

Positively Puppy Class

This class is geared for puppies under 6 months old. We practice setting up new experiences for our puppies with socialization to all the senses; smelling, hearing, seeing, tasting, & touching. We also work on the foundation skills that will lead to pups having the skills for the STAR Puppy & AKC Canine Good Citizen Test. Yooper Paws of Love does not give these AKC tests, but we train to the same goals by using positive reinforcement based training methods. We are currently finishing up a class and will have the dates for the next class ready very shortly. You can get on the wait list for the next class here!

Focus Around Distractions (1-3)

This class is geared for adolescents 6-24 months old. We spend a lot of time working on leash manners and recall and then build up those skills around various distractions including other dogs, traffic or crossing roads, navigating pet friendly events and locations. This class was designed by Yooper Paws of Love Canine Coach, Penny Beeman. The goal is for dog owners to learn how to read their dog's body language and learn to set up the environment for success as the dog learns how to control themselves in various real life situations. This is a games based training class where we learn about using games to teach the foundation skills that you want your dog to have as an adult. You can get on the waitlist for the next class here!

The Canine Care Club

This class is designed for dogs of all skill sets, but will focus mainly on dogs who might be a bit high energy, have some anxiety issues, or struggle when seeing other dogs. The training will take place in your car at various locations around town. For more information check out this link.

**NEW Paws & Play Membership!

This is something we are really excited about because we couldn't offer this without our own Training Center. The Paws & Play Membership will allow members to access the Yooper Paws Training Center for 1 hour private play sessions and calm enrichment sessions with their dog.  With the extremes in weather that we sometimes have, playing outside is not always possible. Some dogs are too overstimulated outdoors to work on training and can use this time to work on training in an environment that is set up for success. Members can sign up for as many sessions per month as they'd like. Sessions will be booked 3 days in advance and a Yooper Paws facilitator will be there to show you around and make sure you have access to all the great toys Yooper Paws has.

Register to become a Paws & Play Member. (Link coming soon!)
Paws & Play Members can schedule their session here:

Private Sessions with a Trainer

Canine Coach Penny Beeman is a Certified Behavior Consultant that can work with you and your dog to tackle most behavior issues. Penny has extensive history dealing with over-reactive dogs and can help you understand the emotions behind your dog's behavior, learn about the reinforcement the dog is gaining from the behavior, and work on creating a starting plan to help desensitize your dog to the trigger that makes them over-react. 

Penny is also a Service Dog Handler and mentors other Service Dog Teams. The Training Center is set up to be handicapped accessible and provides a place where you can learn to navigate many of life's challenges with your Service Dog in Training. We will work to understand your disability and your needs to help you develop the skills you need to gain independence with the help of your Service Dog. Yooper Paws of Love does not "Certify" Service Dogs. Please refer to our SD Tips page for more assistance on Service Dog specific assistance.

Canine Coach Faith Weber specializes in helping dogs learn to share space safely. The Training Facility is set up to support allowing dogs to greet safely for the first time using distance and management to provide safety. Faith is skilled in reading Canine Body Language for various breeds and can help you learn to read your dog better.

Yooper Paws of Love staff are trained in reading Canine Body Language and developing safe habits for dog and owner to participate in training together. All dogs over 6 months of age must be evaluated before being allowed to participate in group classes. This is to unsure the safety of everyone in the building. Dog owners can book a free 30 minute session to have their dog evaluated and find out which class best suits their needs.

In addition to scheduled activities above, Yooper Paws of Love will be scheduling some new Events over the upcoming events. Here are a few ideas we are discussing:

  • Treat Baking Workshop - make and take home simple recipes with healthy ingredients to make your dog the happiest of pups.
  • Enrichment Feeder Prep Workshop - learn how to cook healthy options for lickmats, stuffed toys & bones, snuffle mats and other meals that add enrichment to your dog's life.
  • Paracord Leash Making Class - learn how to make custom paracord leashes of any length for your dog.
  • Toy Making Workshop - DIY toys that are sure to please even your picky dogs.
  • Cooperative Care Workshop - learn how to make trips to the groomer/vet less stressful and techniques to help you do simple grooming at home.
  • Canine Body Language Workshops - learn how to understand body language and what to look for meeting unknown dogs on the trail. Who's a Threat and Who's Not!
  • Canine Emotional States Workshop - learn how to understand your dog's emotions and how this applies to dog training.
Have another workshop idea or what to express interest in any of these ideas, 
reach out to us at

Last but not least! The Yooper Paws Coffee Hour on Wednesday, Feb 15th will no longer be held at Burger King but will now meet at the Yooper Paws Training Center! Stop out and see the new facility and have coffee on us.

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