Tuesday, May 2, 2023

May Myths and Maybe's

 The May calendar is filling up quickly! You want to schedule now before there isn't room!

Positively Puppy begins this Saturday, May 6th at 2pm with a few slots remaining for puppies under 6 months old.

FAD (Focus Around Distractions)Class begins on Tuesday, May 9th at 6pm with just 2 slots remaining.

The Distracted and Fearful Walks start on May 17th and will run each Wednesday at 11am and 7pm. These walks will continue for 5-6 weeks weather permitting and cost just $25 to participate or $100 for 5 walks. You don't need to attend each one and will RSVP for the time slots you want each week. All walks are limited to the first 4 teams that RSVP. You must be a current Yooper Paws client with basic longline skills and distraction training before signing up for walks. If you need to schedule a session to learn these skills, please do so asap. To RSVP contact Penny via email or message: yooperpaws@gmail.com

I'm currently finishing up the 6 session packages with all my fearful dog clients which means I have room later this month to take on a few new cases. If your dog struggles with fear and/or is easily distracted by other dogs or people, please schedule your Behavior Evaluations and Training Plan session before those slots are gone. I will be scheduling Behavior Evaluations from May 16th through May 30th.

May Workshops include:
There will be 2 SD Handler Chats (via Zoom) with Special Guest Pine Irwing.
May 9th at 8pm on the Topic: Myths in the +R/Force Free Training Community.
May 23rd at 1pm on the Topic: Myths in the Service Dog Community.

The Setting Boundaries Workshop will be on May 11th (via Zoom) at 12pm. This will be going over the important myth that Force Free Dog Training is Permissive and explaining why boundaries are so important, how they can be trained without force, and how you decide as the dog owner what boundaries to set for your household.

The Working Paws Training Group will meet on Friday, May 26th from 4-6pm. This month we will be looking at Public Access challenges, what we can do as a SD Handler to prepare, and what we can do to advocate for ourselves and our dog.

Setting Boundaries Workshop

Setting Boundaries Workshop

Thursday, May 11⋅12:00 – 1:00pm

The Setting Boundaries Workshop will be a 1 hour presentation via Zoom followed by a Q&A Session. We will be taking a look at one of the common myths in dog training, Force Free Training is Permissive! Many people try to mix a balance of positive reinforcement training with punishment based techniques which very easily leads to confusion on the dog's part. 

 This workshop will help you learn how to use force free methods including using clear communication, managing the environment, removing unwanted reinforcement, and adding well timed reinforcement for the behaviors you love. We will also be going over some reasons why it is important that our dogs learn some boundaries and how we as the owners go about deciding what boundaries to set. 

Do you let your dog on the furniture or not? 
Do you share human food or not? 
Do you allow your dog to greet other dogs? 

These are common boundaries that many dog owners set. But owning a dog is not a one-size-fits-all situation, therefore neither can every owner set the same boundaries. But what's most important to you as a dog owner? How do you decide the rules for your house? Then how do you train those rules. This is what we will be discussing in this free Setting Boundaries Workshop.

Register Here

Thank you for registering! Here is the Zoom Information.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 850 2738 7651
Passcode: 025176

A Fresh Start Workshop

  Are you ready to get back to some foundation skills? Do you want to build better teamwork? Do you want a Winter Training Plan that is all ...