Thursday, December 15, 2022

Reading to Your Dog


Azul Loves to Read!

OK, so dog's can't read, but they can enjoy hearing people read and there is great value for both the dog and the human. I could go on and on about the human animal bond and how strong connections with positive associations can increase health and happiness for both the human and the dog. But instead I want to take a moment to talk about the Bow Wows & Books program at our local library.

Once a month Therapy Dogs show up at the library to listen to kids read stories. Reading out loud can be very stressful for kids (and many adults) but can be a super important life skill. Students are often asked to read in front of classmates which can be scary and cause mistakes. Reading to a non-judgmental dog can be calming and create positive associations for the child which helps them build confidence. This can improve the child's oral reading skills helping them to become a better student.

This program isn't all able the children who sign up to read. The dogs benefit from the program too! Therapy Dogs are always very social dogs and find human interaction enjoyable. But often Therapy Dogs participate in activities that are less then relaxing. Some Therapy Dogs work in an office or school environment where emotions or stress might be extreme at times. Some Therapy Dogs work in hospital or nursing home settings where health issues in clients can be challenging. In essence, Therapy Dogs do jobs that are designed to comfort humans and bring them happiness, which isn't always easy for the dogs. Azul being a Service Dog, sometimes has a stressful job to do taking care of me. But the reading program helps the dogs to bring cheer in a relaxing environment where they can be a bit silly, inviting belly rubs, giving chin rests, and spreading cheer in their own ways. 

Another way that reading to dogs is beneficial to both human and dog is the act of listening. We tend to tell our dogs what to do quite a bit during the day. We talk to our dogs quite a bit when we are feeling stressed or trying to figure something out. Our dogs all hear other people talking throughout the day. But there is something different that comes out in the voice when we read something we love. Some kids choose books that have jokes, action heroes, or rhyming sentences and these make the kids smile and giggle as they read. That giggle and happiness relaxes the dogs and brings out their inner puppy. 

Adults can read too! I wonder just how many people practice giving a speech or teaching a class by doing so at home with their dog hanging out nearby. One of my Christmas activities to do with your dog is read a book and that is because it will be a great opportunity to share some time doing nothing and enjoying each other's company. So please pick up your favorite book, snuggle into a comfortable spot and instead of reading in your head read out loud to your dog. After 10-15 minutes check to see how you and your dog are feeling? Are you relaxed? Are you comfortable? Is your dog?

Therapy Dog Teams from the Bow Wows & Books Program
Team Diogee with Hannah
Team Azul with Penny

The Dickinson County Library hosts the Bow Wows & Books Program on the 2nd Wednesday of the Month from 5-6 PM at the Main Branch. Parents can call the library to schedule a time for their child.

We also have Therapy Dog Maverick who is now attending the Library's teen program, SHH...Out! This event is geared to supporting the LGBTQ community to help teens that might be struggling at other social events. There Maverick can play with the kids and provide a feeling of safety and comfort for teens in the library setting.

In January, I'm joining a day of activity where library staff from around the U.P. will be visiting Dickinson County Library to discuss programming opportunities.  Azul and I will be there presenting information about Therapy Dogs and how they can add this to library programming in other communities.  I'm excited about the possibilities that 2023 bring to the Therapy Dog teams and the youth of our community. We hope to be scheduling some activities at the Norway branch in the near future.

Team Azul, Team Diogee, & Team Maverick are all Certified Therapy Dogs with the Alliance of Therapy Dogs. If you'd like to learn more about becoming a Therapy Dog Team, check out this website:  Then reach out to Yooper Paws for help getting ready for the Therapy Dog Test and Application Process.  We'd love to add more Therapy Dogs into the community.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Confident Canines Coaches Class

Yooper Paws of Love is pleased to be hosting our first class geared to Canine Coaches!

The Confident Canine Coaches Class is designed to teach Canine Coaches how to support dogs with confident building activities.

Canine Coaches are people who work as dog training professionals and owners training dogs at an advanced level. This is class is great for anyone who wants to learn to support their dog better with confidence building games and activities. Service Dog Handlers & Owner Trainers are welcome in this class.

This series has been created with force free training methods using games and teamwork to build up confidence & resiliency. Teachers will be Penny Beeman & Faith Weber from Yooper Paws of Love with Admin Assistance from Ashlynn Holt.

Topics Include:
Understanding the 5 Core Confidences
Establishing Routines
Developing Good Behaviors
Management Techniques

The 5 Canine Confidences

  • Distractions Confidence - the belief that changes in circumstances are acceptable and manageable.

  • Predictability Confidence -  the belief that things happen for a reason and their behavior can predict or dictate outcomes. 

  • Relationship/Team Confidence - the belief that together (dog/handler) they can handle the challenges in front of them.

  • Self Confidence - the belief that they can handle the challenges in front of them.

  • Safety Confidence - the belief or feeling that they will be safe, calm, and comfortable in regular day-to-day activities.

We will explore and develop these core canine confidences by playing games and doing exercises to help your dog become more confident. All activities are designed to guide each individual dog through some basic foundational skills that you would normally go through in a basic adult obedience class. However this class is designed to teach Coaches how to look at each dog's individual needs to set up training sessions that support that dog, both physically and emotionally.

The next class will begin in April 2023 with Early Bird registration available through March 31st. Service Dog Handlers and other Dog Owners seeking advanced training can participate in the class for $200. The cost for Canine Professionals seeking certification is $299 and will have additional homework assigned to evaluate skills.

There are 6 Topics released 1 per week for 6 weeks. There will be a weekly Zoom meeting scheduled to go over the information with a recording available within 48 hrs for anyone who can not participate.  Once the information is released, students have 1 year to complete the class, do the assignments and finish the final project in order to earn a certificate of completion. Canine professionals will also have an evaluation process in order to earn a Certificate in Creating Confident Canines.

During this class we will do a deep dive into the 5 Core Canine Confidences beginning with Safety and working our way up to distractions. Then in the final lesson, looking at how they all pull together to build a more resilient dog. Resilient dogs will then spend less time in recovery mode after encountering normal daily activities with a faster rebound speed due to the confidence gained with their owners.

Not only will we understand the 5 Core Canine Confidences but we will look at activities designed to build up each confidence. Each activity has a basic starting point and can be expanded as needed for each individual dog. Confidence building never ends, therefore most activities are designed to start at whatever point the human/dog team is at then making progress together as a team to build a bigger and stronger connection together.

While this class is designed to address the needs of pet dogs, materials can also be applied to service/assistance dog training. Canine Coaches who take this class will be able to apply the knowledge to pretty much any training that is offered increasing their ability to understand the whole dog in front of them.

Yooper Paws is committed to helping the students in this class to understand these confidences and how to apply them to the dog they are training. Our goal is to provide materials in a wide variety of ways to address the different learning preferences of each human. We also offer group support via text/messenger for 1 year after the start date of class. If private sessions become necessary, they will be offered at a discounted price to support anyone needing additional assistance.

Contact us at for more information.

Register in this Form, then an email will be sent to you with 48 hours as a confirmation. Payment details and class specifics will be sent out once the Spring 2023 class is scheduled.

You will receive an email within 48 hours after filling out this form. If you do not receive a welcome email with payment information, please reach out to for assistance.

Monday, December 12, 2022

Christmas Tree Lighting


We had plans to go to a Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony in Kingsford last week, but it was freezing cold and I had a migraine so those plans were cancelled. Then Friday we went out of town for the weekend. We did some late evening Christmas shopping Friday and enjoyed some great Christmas lights in the bigger towns surrounding my daughter's house. Azul & Forrest enjoyed looking out the windows.

The next night we saw some more lights on our way to an event that had both inside and outside activities that proved to be a bit overwhelming for Azul. Azul knew the reindeer at the event so that didn't bother him, but the goat was a new friend we gave a wide girth to. Inside was hard because just inside the door was a long line of kids with balloon animals. (Azul is fine with balloons, but kids with balloon animals are dangerous, often leading to frequent head bopping.) Then a hallway of flashing, strobing, multi-colored lights. Then the straw that broke Azul, was the crowded gym filled with people and kids with balloon animals. Ten feet in the door and Azul told me he was done. We waited in the hallway for Violet to get her cookies and then went back outside. Ten minutes later Azul tried to hide from more scary balloon animals so I let him spend the last 20 min chillin in the car.

I didn't think any size or type of crowd would overwhelm Azul but I was wrong. This goes to show that even Service Dogs are individuals with desires and preferences. While Azul does awesome at taking care of me, I never want to make him stay in an situation that is uncomfortable for him. With our strong relationship and trust in each other, we can sometimes push each other gently to step outside our comfort zone but we need to be careful not to take advantage of that and push too hard. While Azul did nothing wrong towards the crowd, he told me that he was uncomfortable at the event and that makes it my job as dog handler to help Azul find a way to get to a safer environment. If I didn't listen to his pleas to leave, he may have lashed out at me or someone in the environment. Azul has never done this, but any dog or human that is pushed too far out of their comfort zone can be forced to attach.

We stopped at a light display on the way home and let Azul do some decompression sniffs. While he sniffed, I got some great picts of the lights.

I would have liked to stay longer, but it was cold and my phone battery died so I couldn't take any new picts. It was a shame too because there was a cool sleigh in front of a Christmas Tree that was a great place for pictures. I took a few of the grandkids first, but then by the time I got Azul in the sleigh, my phone had turned off and my daughter had taken Forrest back to the warmth of the car.

By the time we got home, Azul was ready for dinner and bed! After warming up with some coffee and cookies, I was ready to join Azul as well.

The next morning we went out for breakfast at a packed restaurant. Azul was not happy walking out through a maze of people, but thankfully no balloon animals in sight.
After a run at the farm and a nap for Azul, we headed out to walk the Woodstock Square. Here we saw Santa and did photos with the grands. Azul mostly enjoyed the sniffs. He wanted to greet some dogs, but we gave them space and instead greeted some friendly people including Santa's elves. We ended with splashing in the mud puddle under the gazebo, then went to the car to warm up. Azul was happy to be headed home and even happier to be home.

Tips for Taking Your Dog to Community Events

It's important to remember that not all dogs enjoy going out into the community with us and even dogs who do love going out in the community, may not enjoy certain types of events. Our goal should be that our dog is enjoying the event as much as we are, or perhaps more than we are.

We are not going to discuss all the ins and outs of where your dog can and cannot go with you. Of course the rules are different for family pets and service dogs. In the situation above, Azul went as a Service Dog and we called ahead to get permission since this event was at a church. For the most part, these tips will be applicable to both pets attending pet friendly community events & Service Dogs attending non-pet friendly events.

The first thing to consider when trying to decide if you should take your dog to an event is what is their previous experiences?
  • Have they been to this event previously or events in this location?
  • How many people would be expected at the event?
  • Does your dog have the skills to safely navigate the event with you?
  • Can you leave the event or take your dog out to a safe space if they show signs of discomfort?
The location or environment the event is taking place in is very important to your dog's comfort. If they've never been in that location before they are going to need to do a ton more sniffing. Arriving early before the event starts and allowing your dog to walk around the area sniffing can really help. If that is not possible, walking around the outskirts of the event before moving in to participate in activities can be really helpful.

The amount of people in the area can also be huge. If you're attending an event that has 100 people in a space the is designed for 500 people is way different then an event that has 100 people in a space designed for 25. Your dog might love people, but most people don't enjoy being in a standing room only crowd and neither will most dogs. Also consider what people will be doing. If your dog doesn't like sudden movements, an event with dancing or lots of kids games might not be the best however a winter concert where most people are generally sitting/standing still might be ok. In the case above, I had no idea there would be balloon animals in the environment and this is only the second time Azul has shown any discomfort around them so I didn't anticipate the problem. This is why it's super important to be able to leave if your dog is uncomfortable. Azul has been conditioned to stay in the car for short periods of time and relax which allows me to use that as a safe space if he needs to escape.

The time we have spent developing teamwork with our dogs and training basic skills will have a huge impact at special events. Leash manners is always one of the first skills to consider! If your dog pulls you down the sidewalk most of the time, it stands to reason they will pull you all over the event too. If your dog generally walks nice but pulls towards other dogs, that might not be a deal breaker however you need to be able to redirect that back to you and be prepared to keep an eye out for other dogs. If you will be sitting down to watch an event such as a parade or concert, can your dog settle nicely at your side. How does your dog do when strangers walk passed you? Do you have time to pay attention to your dog's actions while they are settled beside you. Preparing for these outings by doing refresher training at home in the days leading up to the event can be helpful. Touch up your teamwork walking together with pace changes and u-turns. Practice a relaxed settle in the park around distractions days before the event. Or in my case, in the cold climate where outdoor activities are limited, do some training sessions at local pet friendly stores such as hardware stores, farm stores, and craft stores.

And most importantly, consider your role, responsibilities and desires for the event you are going to be taking your dog to. This is a huge one that I can't stress enough! Some people like to use the term, "my dog is bomb proof" to describe a dog that seems to handle just about anything. We've all known people that seem to excel in most environments. Just like people, our dogs have emotions and can have a bad day or simply be overwhelmed in certain situations. We need to be prepared to help our dogs in those situations by either taking them to a safe space, leaving the event, or leaving them home from the start when we know an event will be too much. This is very situational for most people and dogs so here is an example:

It's time for annual Christmas parade and you take your dog with you. You and your dog enjoy seeing the lights, hearing the music, and the general excitement of the event. You might be meeting up with a friend or two that your looking forward to. But you have no responsibility to anyone and can leave if suddenly your too tired, too cold, or get hungry. This is the perfect situation as you are more likely to be aware of your dog's comfort levels during this event and leave if they are becoming overwhelmed or struggling in some way.


It's time for the annual Christmas parade and you take your dog with you. You're meeting up with Grandma & Grandpa and various other family members so you can all watch your daughter march by with band or some other family member ride by on a float. Perhaps you've loaded up your car full of people because parking was limited and you had access to close spot. After the parade you are all going out for a warm beverage or dinner together. The event might be the same, but the situation is entirely different! You can't or won't leave the event if your dog is uncomfortable because you will put the other people's needs and desires above your dog. That's totally natural, but this is an event that you may want to leave your dog at home instead of bringing them with you.

  • Allow your dog to sniff the environment and become comfortable before approaching the festivities.
  • Choose a safe space at a distance your dog can be comfortable to watch the activities, even if that means you remain on the outskirts of the event.
  • Allow yourself to enjoy the activities but don't become so distracted that you won't notice your dog struggling to follow your lead or listen to your cues.
  • Leave early enough that neither you or your dog become overwhelmed or uncomfortable.

Christmas Puppy Playdates

While Christmas is NOT the time to add a new puppy to your house, many people will anyways. Many others will be visiting with family and friends for the holidays and introducing dogs.

How that first introduction goes often depends on the ages and preferences of the dogs that you will be introducing. Your introductions might be smooth and easy if you're introducing 2 older, more relaxed dogs that love to make new friends then go do their own thing. However your introduction might be a lot harder when you have a hyper puppy and an older dog so the energy levels, training levels, and personal space boundaries are drastically different. Here are a few tips that can help you have a Calm Christmas when introducing new dogs.

  • Introduce on neutral territory, outside if possible because it allows for more space. Meeting at a local park or walking trail can make a huge difference. This helps to prevent one dog from feeling like they need to protect their space.
  • Go for a walk together where you can start further apart, on opposite sides of the street or field. This allows the dogs to take turns looking and observing the other dog without rushing them to meet face-to-face. Slowly close the gap, getting dogs closer and closer as their comfort level allows.
  • Plan ahead and do the first introductions before the holiday activities begin! When festivities start, you'll likely be busy with family and friends. While you still want to supervise dogs at this time, you won't want to deal with introductions. Plan a day or two before the festivities where you can focus on your dogs getting to know each other so things will go much more smoothly the day of activities.
  • Provide a safe space for both dogs to go separately for a place to chill. If you use a crate at home, take it with you. A blanket or mat in a corner can be helpful. Having a totally private room where a door can be closed for short periods of alone time to allow dog naps is awesome.
  • Use gates and barriers as management tools to create safe spaces. It's very important to dogs in separate areas where dogs can observe each other safely when you can not supervise them properly. It might make it more challenging for the humans to move back and forth, but it's so worth it. This is especially important during meal times as a single scrap of food that drops on the floor can easily cause a fight.
Our dynamic for this holiday will be spending a very quiet Christmas at home. Then a few days later we will be in Illinois where we will have puppy Finnegan who now lives there plus my boys, Azul & Cam.  Finnegan and Azul have been learning to work together on multiple occasions before this time.  Cam on the other hand doesn't travel the best or greet new dogs the best. Yet we don't really have an option to leave him anywhere and he has visited the farm before and knows all the people who will be there. Our plan is to keep Finnegan and Cam in completely separate rooms of the house at all times with barriers in place. Finn already settles in an upstairs crate for naps so Cam will roam the house when Finn is napping and then stay in the comfy office located right off the kitchen when Finn is out in the house. Plus we have a large outside farm that the dogs can take turns going outside for decompression sniffing and alone time. Since Azul is comfortable around both Finn and Cam, he will be able to go back and forth with both dogs depending on where he is most comfortable. It might be a bit of extra work managing all 3 dogs during holiday activities, but the early planning will make it so much better.

This is how an older dog teaches a young puppy how to play!

Azul is 2.5 (black) and Finnegan is 6 months old. Azul has played with tons of dogs of all sizes. Slow introductions in a secure area outside for off leash running to help them develop a secure relationship of trusting each other & several days of co-habitating helped them to be ready for this play session.

Watch how both dogs have a turn with heads on top, mouthing the other dog. Azul could easily be on top all the time, but he moves under to give Finn a chance to play attack. Whether Azul understands the importance of this or not, this action helps give Finn confidence around Azul.

Not all older dogs will play with puppies like this. Sometimes Azul would rather nap. And that's OK. Play is best when both dogs want to play!

Back up to Day 1

Azul was off leash inside the fence checking out all his favorite farm animals when Finnegan was brought out to the gate which provided a safe place for the dogs to sniff each other. Finnegan's owner is my son who knows how I train and introduce dogs. Issac has also been around Azul since the day I brought him home and was Azul's babysitter as a pup so they are very comfortable interacting with each other. Once initial greetings were done and Azul returned to saying hi to his farm friends, Finn was allowed into the secured area. Both dogs remained off leash with freedom to engage or disengage from the other dog and both Issac and I remained vigilant to watch for even the slightest hint that either dog was not enjoying their time in the environment. Both humans took opportunities to recall and engage with both dogs independently and together.

After about an hour of running the barnyard, the barn and other off leash areas, we headed into the house so the dogs could learn to share that space as well.  Azul was excited to see everyone, but then wanted to slow down for a nap. Finn of course was filled with puppy energy. So we positioned Azul on the corner of the couch where I could play with grandkids and still keep Finn from invading Azul's space. I'm not sure Azul got a good nap, but he did several short naps. And eventually Finn went to nap in his crate. 

** Calm Christmas Tip: It's extra important when you're visiting someone else's house, that all dogs have safe places to rest where other people and dogs will not invade their space! 

For more information about introducing dogs slowly using the FAD (Focus Around Distractions) Method, check out my post with Azul and Miss Willow.

Check out this 12 Dog Days of Christmas Post from our Fun Photo Challenge.


Dear Santa Paws

Dear Santa Paws –

We’ve heard from our humans that if we’re good all year you’ll reward us with whatever we want, and it really made our tail wag! We put a lot of thought into our wish list and thought now would be a good time to send it off in the hopes of getting just a few things. We’ve been really good, Santa, honest! Ok, so maybe we pulled Mom off her feet a few times and didn't want to go back inside when Mom was frozen, but there are just so many great smells outside! We’re sure you have some sort of forgiveness plan in place, right Santa?

Anyway, like we said, we’ve put a lot of thought into what we want and it came down to three things:
  1. Endless balls for Cam and lots of chicken nuggets for Azul.
  2. Warm homes and lots of love for all the puppy paws touched by Yooper Paws of Love.
  3. Healthy humans with warm hearts so they can go out and play with us.
That’s not too tall of an order, right Mr. Paws? Like we said, we’ve been on our best behavior in the hopes of getting these things – and it’s not really like us to be selfish. (We promise to share the balls and chicken nuggets! Well, maybe.)

We really hope this letter gets to you in one piece, Santa (the mailman is a bit afraid of Cam!) Give our love to your reindeer crew and let them know we are always down for a game of chase if they are. Be safe flying around the world, be sure to stick your tongue out and let the wind hit your lips – it’s our favorite.

Love,  Cam & Azul
Yooper Paws of Love Top Dogs

Azul's Visit with Santa

Azul went to visit Santa with my granddaughter Violet. It was not really planned, but Santa wanted to meet them even though he wasn't technically on duty yet.  Azul rushed right in to greet him, then laid by the fire place while Violet chatted.

Santa told Violet that instead of saying "cheese" to have her picture taken, at the North Pole they say "Rudolf!" Azul was totally confused by this and kept pushing his ears back to listen to them while I was trying to take pictures.

Body language and facial expressions make it look like Azul is uncomfortable or annoyed. But he chose to lay day there and could get up and move any time he wanted to. Which he did shortly after the heater in the fireplace turned on and he got warm. I got a about 10 picts of Azul sitting or laying in front of Santa but they all make Azul look mad or unhappy. 
(It's important to know your dog's body language!)

Azul really loved socializing with Santa's Elves because they were outside in the cold and Azul was ready to cool off. I can only image Azul's nose turning red like Rudolf's if he had stayed by the fire much longer. 

Tips for introducing your dog to Santa

Visiting with Santa can be scary for many dogs, even dogs who generally love all people. Crowds tend to gather around Santa, the extra decorations, strong scents of Christmas, and lots of boisterous laughter can be unsettling to the calmest of dogs.  These tips can help.

  • Choose your location for greeting Santa wisely! It's always important to set up the environment for success by picking a location where your dog is most comfortable. Some dogs may prefer indoor settings while some prefer outdoor settings. The most important thing to look for in an environment is one where you can observe from a distance and slowly move closer as your dog feels comfortable.
  • Choose your time of day wisely! Some places will offer dogs a chance to visit with Santa before or after the scheduled time for kids to visit. Since COVID, many places still are taking appointments to help keep crowds down. Pick a quiet time of day where your dog can more easily focus on you without being overwhelmed with all the distractions.
  • Have realistic expectations! We all love to get that perfect photo of our dog sitting on Santa's lap or posed right between Santa's feet. But it's not worth causing our dogs stress to get the perfect photo. Let your dog choose how close they want to get and what position they are most comfortable in. Azul chose to lay down with his back to Santa which put him further away and trying to listen to Santa talking behind him.  I could have tried to reposition Azul for the perfect picture, but he really was following his Service Dog training by picking a place out of the way where he could more easily focus on me. Azul stayed calm and happy with the interaction so we can try for a better picture the next time we see Santa. Azul's happiness is most important to me.
If you need additional tips for helping your dog remain Calm, Safe, & Happy during visits with Santa, feel free to reach out to me at or book a virtual session using my Calm Christmas Special.

Focus Around Distractions In-Person Class

 Focus Around Distractions - Beginner Class

Announcing the Focus Around Distractions Class
Yooper Paws Training Center
611 N. Hooper St. Kingsford, MI 49802

Beginning March 2nd at 6pm
FAD Class runs 6 weeks for $200 per dog.

Adolescent dogs often struggle most with distractions that are beyond our control. This can be other people and/or dogs we meet while out on a walk, wild animals or pets that pop up unexpectedly, or any of a million other things that our dogs might react to. This class is designed to help teach your dog the value of focusing on their person more then the environment by using games to build up the reinforcement history. At the same time, owners will be learning about various positive reinforcement training techniques to train various behaviors they want their dogs to enjoy repeating.

This is a beginner level class for young dogs from 6 months to 2 yrs old with owners who want to move away from the demanding, corrective based training used by alpha dominance trainers and move more toward developing a relationship based on love, bonding, and trust. Each week we will learn a new skill, a new game, a new form of enrichment, and how to apply reinforcement effectively.

Class will take place on Thursdays at 6pm
at the Yooper Paws Training Center 
beginning on March 2nd 
and proceeding every week.

Students should plan to arrive about 30 minutes prior to class and do a walk outside the building to help them calm down a little before entering class. Please keep your dog at a safe distance away from other dogs at this time and enter the building one at a time. Be prepared to clean up after your dog! Disposal bags will be available inside if needed.

Please sign this Waiver before the first session! You may print it and bring it with you or email it before the session. Please let me know if you'd like me to bring a printed copy.

This class will be limited to 6 students so please register ASAP and make your payment via PayPal or Venmo to reserve your spot in class.

If you prefer to pay in cash please email to make arrangements.

You will receive an email within 48 hrs of registering if you have been accepted into this class. If you do not receive this email, please reach out to for assistance.

Here is the PayPal link for payment:
Here is the Venmo link for payment:
Payments must be received by to reserve your spot in class.

A Fresh Start Workshop

  Are you ready to get back to some foundation skills? Do you want to build better teamwork? Do you want a Winter Training Plan that is all ...