Tuesday, March 22, 2022

FAD Workshop - Day 2


Welcome to Day 2 of the FAD Mini-Workshop!

On Day 2 we are going to be talking about the emotions our dogs feel, understanding those emotions and applying training sessions correctly to help change our dog's negative emotions into positive emotions.  This video is a bit longer, but it's super important to understand how the distractions in our environments make our dogs feel.  With that understanding, we can then decide how to best help them be successful in multiple environments safely.

Distraction Marker

The distraction marker is a noise used to bring your dog’s focus back to you, especially in distracting situations. 
  1.  I start by making an unusual noise. 
  2. When the dog comes toward me, I reward, then release again. 
  3. It’s important to start in a low distraction environment, then gradually move to more distracting areas. 
If your dog goes lots of places with you, I suggest using something other than kissy noises.

Cue Game or On/Off Switch

I use this game to help develop Azul's ability to calm or settle in more exciting environments. Since Azul's favorite game is tug, so we develop this game using a tug toy but you can use any toys that your dog loves.

  1. You want to start by amping your dog up just slightly with some play. You want to watch to not get them over-excited, but engaged in fun.
  2. To encourage your dog to disengage, you have 2 options: If you're dog previously knows the cue to drop and item and has good success, you can simply use that cue. However, if your dog does not have a stop or drop cue that is reliable, you can also have a 2nd toy at the ready. When you disengage from the first toy, your dog will tend to look at you. When my dog has disengaged with the toy, I will ask them to sit or down and hold that position.
  3. The goal is to have your dog pause for a brief second between stopping play and then re-engaging when you cue or invite them to begin again. Over time you can extend that time in the stop or hold position. After my dog has held the position for the time I want, I will present the toy in an inviting way and tell my dog to to get it.

Sorry about the poor quality of this video, I was trying a new camera.

Check out this video demonstration Tug to Teach Retrieve which also has a great example of the Cue Game or On/Off Switch Practice


And here is a video that shows an On/Off Switch from Absolute Dogs


Wrap Up of Day 2

Understanding our dog's emotions can help us in a wide variety of ways!  I also have additional resources available on this topic as part of my February Theme, Focus on Behaviors.  Here are a few of the blog posts.

Understanding K-9 emotions and how emotions can effect your dog's behaviors.
This post explains how our dog's emotions and excitement level effect the behaviors they give us.

This post explains Core Effect Space in simple terms that any dog owner can use to better understand their dog.

If you have questions, you can post them in our FAD Workshop FB Group here.  We would love to see your videos playing the games and hear your feedback from Day 1 of the FAD Workshop!

Penny Beeman

Owner of Yooper Paws of Love

Professional, Force Free, Dog Trainer

& Animal Behavior Consultant, ILLIS

Visit my website at: www.yooperpaws.com

Find us on Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/YooperPawsOfLove/

Cindy Campbell

Owner of Cindy Campbell Dog Training

Visit my website at: https://cindycampbelldogtraining.com/

Find us Facebook:


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