Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Fall Schedule of Opportunities

Fall is my favorite season and this year will be filled with all new types of FUN!

I recently found out that I need to be off duty for most of November and part of December following surgery. While it's going to be hard for me to go without seeing all my wonderful clients, I'm going to need this time to rest and heel.
  • Beginning Nov 1st I will no longer be taking any new clients until 2023!
  • Nov 6th-12th I will be totally out of service.
  • And for the rest of November I will easy back into virtual services.
Do to the nature of my surgery, I will likely be able to respond in written emails & messages for quite awhile. Thankfully the other Canine Coaches will be able to step up to see that our regularly scheduled Zoom classes and chats will continue to take place until I'm able to be more active again. Hopefully I will be able to finish the year out strong with some blog writing on my website.

Anyone who is wanting a full Behavior Consult should do that before November 1st!

With this rather unexpected health issue taking me out for the end of 2022, I'm going to schedule a very busy fall season from now to Nov 1st!  This will include both in-person and virtual services

Full Fall Opportunities for Local Clients

Tuesday Morning Travelers Club
Tuesday Mornings  
Beginning October 4th
Time to be determined!

This group will meet at various locations around Iron Mountain & Norway to work on new environmental processing, leash management techniques, reaction to distraction responses. The location will change each week therefore you must join the club via text message to 906-399-0548 to learn the secret location.  

There will be a one time fee of $40 to join the club, which covers all sessions in 2022.  
This is likely going to be the first thing I start back up again in December, weather permitting.

Service Dog Coffee Hour
Tuesday Mornings  beginning October 4th, time to be determined!

This will be open to all Service Dog Teams currently working in the Iron Mountain area and Service Dog in Training Teams that have done a basic public access assessment with me.  This will be a chance for teams to practice the restaurant experience around the distraction of other dogs.  Locations will vary for this activity.  Typically we will choose locations that sell COFFEE and possibly other breakfast items.  We will be open to discussing any SD topics and take a look at planning some local SD training events or other activities.  You can drop in for a few minutes or stay the whole hour.

There will be no charge to participate in this activity, however you must pay for your own refreshments.  

Walking Leash Manners Small Group Sessions
Wednesday at 5PM 
Sept 28th (No session on Oct 12th) thru Nov 2nd
Strawberry Lake Park

This small group session will focus on taking your leash manners skills from the training environment to the trail.  The goal will be to walk approximately 1 mile each session starting in the field near the playground.  From 5-5:15PM we will be doing environmental processing activities in the field, then start the walk promptly at 6:15PM.  On the walk we will space out according to our dog's comfort levels and walking speed, then slowly close the gap till dogs are able to walk nicely a few feet apart.  This group is perfect for dogs that are not quite ready to walk in a big group or struggle with passing people or dogs on the trail.  
The cost will be $75 for 5 sessions.
Fall weather may require us to switch days around based on group member availability. 

Saturday Pack Walks
Dates: October 15th, & 29th
Location and Times will be vary based on availability of those wanting to participate.

These are free fun walks!  You may work on training during the walk, but there will be no formal training taking place during this activity.  Dogs will be expected to maintain a safe distance from other dogs during the walk.  Social dogs can greet after the walk if both owners approve.  These walks will be coordinated through the Yooper Paws Friends group on FB so be sure you join the group for the latest info.

Full Fall Opportunities for Virtual Clients

SD Handler Chats 

This is an ongoing project that has been taking place since April!  The full schedule of chats is available at along with the Zoom links to join each session.

October 10th we will host Special Guest, Rosee Riggs who will be talking about Separation Distress.  This chat is on a Monday instead of our regular Tuesday!  (There will not be a chat on Tuesday, Oct 11th)  Join our FB Event here for the latest updates and additional info about this Chat.

Yooper Paws Reinforcement Hour
Wednesdays at 11AM

This will be similar to a Coffee Hour, but you are free to choose your own reinforcement treat!  
We will use this session as open format to discuss whatever is on your topics, trails & tribulations, and/or trophy's.  Seriously this is an anything goes hour that will not be recorded or made available for replays.  I won't be held responsible for anything that is said during this activity!

Yooper Paws Planning & Support Package
1-on-1 Sessions 
Package Cost $100

This package is designed to help you create a 1-month, 3-month, and 1-year plan for your dog and get started with implementing that plan.  During the first session we will review your goals for the next year and create a general plan detailing what it will take to get there.  From there we will break it down further into where do you start and create the behavior shaping plan you will use to accomplish your 1 month and 3 month goals.  This package is available to all my clients including local clients, family pets, Therapy Dog Teams and Service Dog Teams

The Planning & Support package will include one 1 hour session & two or three 30 min sessions.  The first session is to focus on creating the plan and the following sessions will be to review how your training is going.  You will also receive unlimited text/chat support throughout the month to touch base with progress reports, ask questions about the shaping plan, and troubleshoot struggles.

Crazy2Calm Group Q&A Mini-Series
More info coming soon!

The Building a Better Bond Winter Workshop
November 14th - March 31st
Early Bird Price of $50 for registering before Oct 31st.
November Price is $75.

Spending 5 minutes a day doing the activity of the week for 20 weeks will greatly increase your bond with your dog and improve your teamwork skills.  A new lesson will be released each week with text, video and podcast elements for you to enjoy.  There is also a FB Group available for additional support from the Canine Coaches and other participants in the workshop.  

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