Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Christmas Photo Fun #2

Yooper Paws Christmas Photo Fun:  Two treats to choose!

Basically pick 2 objects. 2 Treats, 2 Toys, 1 Dog Treat and 1 household item such as a banana...there are so many different items you can use to make this more fun. To start this with a new dog choose 2 food items such as 1 typical daily dog food then 1 high value treat. Have multiples of both items, but keep them up and hidden so your dog doesn't try to go for those. Have dog sit, down or whatever position where they are best able to focus on you. Then put one treat in each hand, with your hand closed have pup smell each hand, then say choose. When they seem more interested in one hand over the other, open that hand and give pup the treat. Immediately repeat the trick. If the pup seems to always choose the same treat, you can guess which one they like better. After a few times, switch the preferred treat into the other hand and do it again. Has you pup figured it out? Or did they choose the same hand they choose previously? Once the pup has the idea of the game, continue to make small changes throughout the Holiday Season and see how far you can go. There are so many ways to do this trick! Please send your photos or videos to yooperpaws@gmail.com for a chance to win prizes. Prizes will be announced on the Yooper Paws Facebook page. One tip: If you have multiple dogs, and this is new to your house don't do it with the dogs together the first few times. Separate the dogs so you can work one on one.

Azul's video from Day 2, 2021

1 comment:

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